Bayern Munich joins Sorare to Bitcoin being better option to invest, Read today’s Top 5 Crypto News
1) Sorare gets joined by Bayern Munich, a German soccer club.
Bayern Munich has joined Sorare, a fantasy game of soccer, where players buy, sell, trade, and manage a virtual team with digital player cards which has already 100 plus clubs including Paris Saint-German, Juventus, PSG, and Atletico Madrid to name a few. The game uses blockchain technology based on Ethereum and has been gaining popularity among the global gaming community.
2) Cerealia, a Blockchain-powered agri-trading platform company will provide a solution for the global Russian wheat market.
Cerealia is the first professional online marketplace for international physical agri-trading which had launched a trail before opening up for the general trading community in which firms from Algeria, Brazil, Dubai, Japan, and Ukraine participated. Now the company will provide its services for fast trading in the global Russian wheat market. Andrei Grigorov, CEO of Cerealia said -
Traders can now be 100% certain they really did the trade, versus traditional over-the-phone brokerage. Instantly, they have digitally signed contracts and blockchain-registered records ‘forever.
3) Celsius is holding crypto assets worth $2.2 Billion.
Celsius, a platform to earn and borrow over 30 different cryptocurrencies announced it is managing crypto assets worth $2.2 Billion which was nearly half six months before. Celsius gives the depositors 80% of the interest generated from lending depositor’s assets. Alex Mashkinsky, CEO and founder of Celsius said
We have created more income for our customers than anyone else in DeFi or CeFi, and we have no plans on slowing down any time soon.
4) UK takes a step towards CBDC and also drafts regulation for private stable coins.
The United Kingdom’s Treasury Department announced it is drafting stable coin regulations that aim to regulate private stable coins. Rishi Sunak, Treasury Chancellor said
New technologies such as stablecoins — privately-issued digital currencies — could transform the way people store and exchange their money, making payments cheaper and faster.We are starting a new chapter in the history of financial services and renewing the UK’s position as the world’s pre-eminent financial center. […] Our plans will ensure the UK moves forward as an open, attractive and well-regulated market.
5) American billionaire has more faith in Bitcoin than in gold as an investment.
Bitcoin could be an asset class that has a lot of attraction as a store of value to both millennials and the new West Coast money — and, as you know, they got a lot of it believes Stanley Druckenmiller who is a billionaire. He also added
It’s been around for 13 years and with each passing day it picks up more of its stabilization as a brand.I own many many more times gold than I own Bitcoin. But frankly if the gold bet works, the Bitcoin bet will probably work better because it’s thinner, more illiquid and has a lot more beta to it.